The Freedom of Sexual Expression
I feel nothing is more powerful than when people are in their authentic sexual expression.
Practise Living in Integrity
It is a journey riddled with mistakes, but a practise worth the effort.
My Awakening
My Awakening wasn’t pretty, but it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.
Flower Powers
Flowers are one of my favourite things, I delved deep here for a day on the history of flowers and it was fascinating what I found.
Reclaiming your Energy
It is important to know how to reclaim your energy and let go of entanglements in your energetic field.
The Mindful Path Through Gossip
We live in a society where success and gossip go hand in hand. We only need to scroll through social media to find mountains made of molehills with conjecture on people’s perceived ‘failures’ rocketing towards “cancel culture”.